Ram Maheshwari Logo Image
Ruben Henriquez


Cooklook is a web application that lets you search through millions of recipes. It's built with functional React components and the Edamam API.

Project Image

Project Overview

Cooklook is a recipe search platform that utilizes the Edamam API to provide users with access to millions of recipes in a simple and straightforward way. With an intuitive and user-friendly interface, Cooklook allows users to search for recipes based on ingredients, dietary preferences, and more, making it easy to find the perfect recipe. Additionally, the app offers the ability for users to save their favorite recipes for later reference, solving the problem of having to search through multiple websites or cookbooks to find a desired recipe.

During the development of Cooklook, one of the technical challenges I encountered was implementing the localstorage feature which allows users to save their favorite recipes for easy access later. While it required a deeper understanding of how localstorage works and how to effectively utilize it within the app, I was able to successfully implement this feature. While any project has its challenges, it's always satisfying to overcome them and see the final product come to fruition. Overall, working on Cooklook was a great learning experience and I'm happy with the end result.

Tools Used

Edamam API